शुक्रवार, 24 फ़रवरी 2017

Keswanis, Madnanis And The Nehrus

Keswanis, Madnanis And The Nehrus

I went to Allahabad to be part of a wedding celebration, 
but came back with a piece of history and a string of legacy

Meandering unintentionally into history can be fascinating as well as intriguing. There is something about legacy which cannot be adequately assimilated in the hundrum of daily.life. Legacy is nurtured just like a gardener nurtures the plants and flowers.

A recent visit to the historical-political-spiritual land of Allahabad brought me face to face with history and legacy at different levels.

With the Keswanis of Delhi I share a bond which promises to create a legacy of sorts in our personal trees of friendship. Through them I got introduced and exposed to the Madnanis of Allahabad.

The Madnanis hold an important place in the modernisation of Allahabad. The first generation entrepreneurs built a business as well as a legacy of sorts. Though generations have grown and built their own personal legacies outside of the original business model, their community living with over 50 people occupying a common piece of land is an inspiring story of bonding and trust. It is a case of being committed and not just different when more and more people are craving for personal spaces far away from the hustle and bustle of relatives. Being with them I realised how they have built their personal spaces - both physically and emotionally - by being around one another - both physically and emotionally.

A visit to the Sangam was a given, yet the serenity amidst the human cacophony was yet another testimony to the spiritual legacy of this amazingly diverse country.

Allahabad and Anand Bhavan are inseparable. The Nehrus' personal and political bastion stands out as a symbol of political struggle at the altar of huge personal sacrifices. This legacy of the Nehru-Gandhi family simply showcases their share in the national consciousness and their unique place in pre- and post-independent India.

As I signed off from Allahabad, known for different things to different people, I realised how I had gone there to be part of a wedding celebration, but came back with a piece of history and a string of legacy.