रविवार, 6 अक्टूबर 2013

The Magic Of The `Normal`

The Magic Of The `Normal`

The purpose of life is also to wonder at the magic of living normally. Humans struggle to not struggle, but this behaviour is far removed from nature's effortless bestowing of abundance which suggests struggle is just a misunderstanding and not a real fate.

Life is vast and imperceivable. Therefore, reflecting on the various aspects and dynamics of life can be a full time activity. Yet, at the end of it all you may have just scratched the surface and discovered very little of the incomprehensible creativity it presents.

But a vast number of people go about life so normally, simply trying to stitch the daily pieces of their life together, wondering more at the struggles of their chores than wonder at the beauty and expansiveness of living. There are so many things in our life we take for granted, as if it was the limited human mind that actually constructed and planted the vast life architecture.

The Oceans, the Mountains, the Jungles, the Plants, and Nature as a whole have not been conceived by the human mind. They for aeons have been `mute but alert` witnesses to the vagaries as well as the creativity of creation. Human behaviour however, conditioned by both explicable as well as inexplicable forces, has been less fascinated by the magic of creation and more overwhelmed by the pressures of doing and surviving.

I for one however find it fascinating that in the human sphere where so much thought is put into living, a large part of what we `do` has also evolved naturally without human effort. Our physical growth, our rhythmic breathing which keeps us alive, our comprehension abilities and so much more happen without our conscious intervention. The very fact that we go through life `normally` without having to manufacture ourselves consciously every single day fascinates me no end.

The physical body, with which we spend the maximum time in our life, is a gargantuan divine idea, which is beyond human mental and emotional comprehension. Our life is inconceivable without relating our consciousness to the body, and yet we know very little of what goes inside every second. It appears as if God created a gross human body to challenge the human mind and spirit to transcend its malleability and connect to the subtle, invisible force which actually manifests the body as `energy-matter`, and realize that, not at the end, but at the beginning itself, it was always a matter of energy and energy alone.

It is so normal to be philosophical, but within the dimensions of philosophy lies this amazing architectural core of the life force which generates, sustains and expands the concept of life. It is so normal to eat everyday, and digest effortlessly everyday, but it is worth reflecting that we have no clue how the whole process of digestion happens without our conscious alignment of processes.

It is indeed `magical` that we think we do, when actually we hardly have any control over the force of our living, and even dying. Perhaps, within that `ego` lies a deep rooted belief that we are the creators and therefore, it is a natural way of expressing ourselves unconsciously regarding processes about which we lack conscious awareness.

It is a wonder too that I can express myself in this blog by framing words and sentence structures which are complex and perhaps even essential. After all, writing a blog is so normal, but it is not uncommon for me to feel fascinated by what I have written when I re-read some of my stuff later, wondering how the words could have flown out of my intellectual reservoirs in such pointed ways.

Life, death and whatever lies in between and after are truly normal, but what is not normal is our response to the abundance that life bestows on us every single minute of our lives. Life is truly magical. It carries in its bosom the possibility of impossibility, suspense of certainty and creativity of the yet unfinished creative agenda of God. It does not appear to me God is done and dusted with his creation program. He has just let loose his ideas on both the world as well as on human beings, who he has bestowed with the maximum comprehension ability and connectivity to his designs.

The purpose of life is also to wonder at the magic of living normally. Humans struggle to not struggle, but this behaviour is far removed from nature's effortless bestowing of abundance which suggests struggle is just a misunderstanding and not a real fate.

So, let us all revel in the world of wonderment even as we go through the process of life in a so called normal way. 

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