रविवार, 29 मार्च 2015

Dear Diksha – A father's letter to his teenage daughter

Dear Diksha – A father's letter to his teenage daughter

You must always work to be a better person and constantly look to contribute towards the welfare of others because we live in a society where we share resources. Being a contributing citizen is not just a good quality, it is also our duty. Being ambitious is good, but you must also have a great heart that is ready to help people, especially those who do not have the same resources like we have.

In this blog I simply present a few passages from my new book `Dear Diksha – A father's letter to his teenage daughter`.

On Naming Diksha

We named you Diksha as it means spiritual initiation, for we have received initiations from our Gurus and as a Reiki teacher I give spiritual initiations myself. We wanted a daughter and had thought of your name even before you were born. God granted our wish and we gave you your very special name, though astrologically the letter P was suggested. Mom is very fond of the name Prakruti. We could have even named you Harita, a combination of Hari and Rita. But we settled for Diksha, as anyway `Harita` lives in your personality and you are a gift of nature, which is Prakruti. Nice justification, right?

On Bringing Up Diksha

I must say that Mom and I never really had a problem bringing you up. You have been an undemanding child. You respect us for what we are and you have accepted us as we are. You have never placed major materialistic demands on us which would have otherwise made life pretty difficult for us. We both are simple people but not without the aspiration to lead and give you too a materialistically much better life. As we engage ourselves in this journey we thank you for being the way you are. You are now old enough to even partner us in this journey. We thank you for another reason – for never comparing our lifestyle with that of your friends' families. It would have placed enormous pressure on us.

Life Gyan For Diksha

Yes, life is a journey, and so is success. Like you, I too learnt in school that success is a journey not a destination. But I never understood the true meaning of this statement until I undertook a journey of my own in 2009 when I decided to move out of my well paid job and start my own enterprise. The journey has been full of learning, many failures and some significant successes. What I have learnt and experienced in the past five years are simply indescribable. I have grown up even more in this journey. The journey has taken me to different places in India and two countries - UAE and Nepal – and brought me in touch with some absolutely amazing people on this planet. It also got me an award - the Rex Karmaveer Global Fellowship and the Karmaveer Chakra - for my contribution to Reiki. I realised that my contribution when compared to the people I met at the conclive in New Delhi, where the award was given, is really minuscule. I would like you to familiarise yourself with some of the extraordinary people I met at the conclive by watching and listening to some speeches on YouTube.

At the
conclive I met some real role models. They are not celebrities like film stars or sportsmen. They are the unsung heroes of society. They make small but mighty contributions to lives of ordinary people. I want you to understand that wanting to become rich or famous is not a wrong aspiration, but the approach to life must never be self-centric. You must always work to be a better person and constantly look to contribute towards the welfare of others because we live in a society where we share resources. Being a contributing citizen is not just a good quality, it is also our duty. Being ambitious is good, but you must also have a great heart that is ready to help people, especially those who do not have the same resources like we have. Be it in terms of knowledge, money or any other kind. You must lead life with a purpose and the purpose is Contribution. When you have a purpose, you will never have to seek motivation from outside. You will be self motivated and become a role model for others.

Ebook link: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=dear+diksha

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