शनिवार, 16 जुलाई 2016

10 Reasons Why Companies Must Train Their People

10 Reasons Why Companies Must Train Their People

Here are ten reasons why companies – small, medium and big – must focus on developing their people to create competence and thereby build performance excellence:

1. The only way to grow your business by growing your people. If you don't train, their minds will rust, and eventually, so will the business.

2. When people are trained, you make them competent. If they stay, they will perform, if they leave, they will propagate about you.

3. Training helps add to perspectives within the organisation. This leads to more ideas which keep the working ambience vibrant.

4. Training promotes more purposeful conversations, which lead to enhanced productivity.

5. Training makes people more organised and process oriented. That adds to organisational efficiency.

6. Training creates hunger for learning, which will lead to greater earning for the company and its people, for after all earning lies within l(earning). A learning culture will create a performance culture.

7. Training helps promote bonding and team work. When people work together, overall productivity multiplies. That is why companies must focus on both functional as well as behavioural training.

8. Training, coaching and mentoring promote better behaviours. This improves customer centricity. The only way to take care of your customers is to take care of your people.

9. Training, coaching and mentoring build better leaders. No organisation can progress without a strong leadership culture.

10. Training is the biggest retention tool. Its is also the greatest differentiator in the marketplace.

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