सोमवार, 2 अक्टूबर 2017

Home Is Where The Behaviours Are

Home Is Where The Behaviours Are

Observing and discussing behaviour styles is now part of dinner table conversations at my home. The other day my wife's cousin who was visiting us discovered that he was probably an Examiner as he simply answered two simple questions: was he slow paced or fast paced and was he people oriented or task oriented?. 

Charity begins at home is an old adage, but so do behaviours. After coming back from.the US post the Asentiv Train The Trainer workshop on Room Full Of Referrals there was a lot of curiosity within my family. "What exactly did you learn?," they asked. 

The best way for me to answer that was to invite them to my first workshop on Room Full Of Referrals. Besides others, it was a family gathering of sorts. My brother, my wife and our daughter sat as participants. As it turned out, my brother and daughter realised they were promoters and my wife found out she was a nurturer. Normally it is hazardous to guess anything about your wife, but I got this one right - yes I knew she was a nurturer. 

Observing and discussing behaviour styles is now part of dinner table conversations at my home. The other day my wife's cousin who was visiting us discovered that he was probably an Examiner as he simply answered two simple questions: was he slow paced or fast paced and was he people oriented or task oriented?. 

We also discussed behaviour styles of other relatives and it seemed so easy for all of us to make an intelligent guess. 

The power of Room Full Of Referrals is truly immense. It is now part of our daily consciousness. 

For me its application is having a huge impact on my interactions with clients and potential clients. I am now able to adapt effortlessly to other people's behaviour styles and structure my communication accordingly.

The other great benefit is that I am able to educate others regarding my own promoter style, which helps them understand me better. The benefits for business conversations are immense if you are educated on behaviour styles.

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