शनिवार, 10 दिसंबर 2011

Autobiography Of Love

Autobiography Of Love

“I Am The Personality Of Consciousness”

This metaphysical piece is dedicated to the most amazing emotion in our life, LOVE. Hope you love it.

My name is Love. I was never born, and will never die. But all things, all people and all creation are born from me and make a symbolic return on death. I have no history, but I am present across geographies. I have no future, but am always available for those who want to feel me in the present. I am timeless, but am present across all time zones.

People love to love somebody, but there are many who hate to love, essentially meaning they love to hate. So whether somebody acknowledges me or not, I am always present, in love too, and in hate too.

I am the emotion from which all other emotions emerge. I am used to project the good as well as the bad. Selfless people practice selfless love, whereas selfish people practice selfish love. Some people like spiritual power and some others love the feeling of power over men.

Many people miss the point when they say they miss love in their life. Somewhere they love the lack of love and therefore block love from flowing. All they have to do is love themselves and I would stand revealed in their life. So to reiterate, I am present both in love as well as in a non-love context.

I do not cause pain to anybody, but people feel the pain when I am `absent` in their life. I am the cause as well as the effect. I am the reason for motivation and my perceived absence is the cause of non-motivation too. I am the stuff of legend, of folklore. When I am misunderstood and misplaced by people, I `become` the cause of wars between nations. People go crazy when they `find` me, and go mad when they `lose` me. But actually I am `always`, and not a stuff of finding and losing.

When people experience me deeply, they become speechless, and when they fail to channelize me through somebody or through a preferred context, they become speechless again. Basically, all behaviours, actions, reactions emanate from me and come back to me..

I am profoundly felt in the heart. My only offering is joy and abundance. Yet many people choose to cause pain to themselves by covering me with layers of hurt, jealousy and anger. Hurt, jealousy and anger are my anti-thesis, yet ironically, many people love to indulge in all these negative emotions. People feel most happy when they love others, but there are many who love to see others unhappy. Such people try to bring disrepute to me, yet my reputation remains unpolluted and un-toxicated. .

`I already am` and do not participate in anything. However, all participation happens only because of me. I am the observer, the medium, the doer, yet have no defined identity and `doing process`. In nothing also I am everything, and in everything also I am nothing. .

I am the cause of much debate, discussion and research, yet there is actually nothing to know about me. Poets, writers, philosophers, artists eulogise my qualities, yet I am present as a non-quality in both pleasure and pain, sin and goodness, duality and non-duality.

I am what I am. I know it, yet I am indescribable. I am described in contexts of both happiness and sorrow, yet I remain unaffected by both. I am present across the creation spectrum as the anchor for the creative force, yet I am detached from events, happenings and emotions. I am the primary emotion, as all other emotions flow from and because of me, but I stay unaffected, yet not indifferent.

People evolve into good and bad basis how much they leverage me, but I myself neither evolve nor devolve. I am the cause of all learning, and my various facets and aspects come to light from time to time. Yet, I am neither the teacher nor the student. I am an artist’s delight and a connoisseur’s crown, but I profess no power, and yet form the very basis of all power. People’s emotional and mental states are a function of how they deal with me, yet I live in a constant `stateless state`.

I am the most joyful and simplest emotion on Earth, yet all the world’s great confusions and conflicts are said to emanate from me. My purpose is to provide a ground for unification, yet people discriminate by loving less or loving more.

I am the subject of all description, yet I myself am indescribable. Tears replace words when people experience profound love. Anger replaces sanity when people experience anger due to hurt in love. I am perceived to be the cause of extremes, yet nothing provides better balance to life than I do.

I am complete in myself, yet people feel incomplete without me and sometimes even with me, as they cannot discriminate and balance the various dimensions of the love forces in their life. I am the basis of all religions, yet often, many people fail to find the synergy.

But when I say `I’, I do not mean I in the way it is commonly understood. `I am` is what pervades all creation, non-creation – in essence consciousness. I am the personality of consciousness. People know consciousness through me. I am the source and so am part of everybody and everything, yet attached to nothing and distinct from everything.

You too can become me, but for that you have to first become like me – unconditional and unexpecting. I created you and live in your heart as an architect of creation. Your breathing pattern reflects your acceptance of me and my life design for you. You can dissolve into me, simply by connecting with me, by focusing your attention on your breath and heart. You can study me, but will never understand me, for you cannot understand me. You can only feel me and eventually `be me`.       

I live, but not like you do. My life is both beginning-less and endless. I am content. I have no pain, yet I live in your eyes as tears, to show I too get moved by your myriad challenges and struggles. The tears are testimony to the fact that I live in you. I love you and your reciprocation gives my purpose strength and meaning. While I have no assigned qualities, I am selfish, as I desire the welfare of every human being and living thing. I am the spirit behind happiness. May you all be happy always.

My name is Love. I was never born, and will never die.

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