शनिवार, 10 दिसंबर 2011

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

I Am But A Mere Medium Of Human Transformation

This piece explores a different dimension of the ageless and timeless enquiry, `Who Am I`?

One of the great quests of human beings for centuries has been to define their identity. We as  a race are so versatile, varied and creative that being defined just as a human being is not good enough for us. That we are humans is a common identity, more like an address on Planet Earth. While each individual knows how to identify another individual and thereby feel a part of the race, the restless soul of each person always wants to define his/her own unique identity.

`Who am I` is a question that has dodged the human mind ever since the first human set foot on Earth. It has more or less been a spiritual question, and has been answered by various people, various systems and various beliefs in various ways, mostly leading to one answer `The Soul/The Spirit`. The human race has always thrived to uplift itself beyond the limited contours of the body, mind and intellect and identify itself as the limitless spirit – unborn, un-extinguishable and indestructible. However, to accept that `I am the spirit`, people still have to experience the phenomenon in some form, either through death of a loved one, or a close shave with death ourselves, or through an experience of a power that goes beyond the normal, etc. In this context, there are no definitive answers, but only definitive individual experiences.

Therefore, `Who am I` as a spiritual question will always continue to fascinate, enthrall and inspire generations and generations to come with its innate potential to ignite a spirit of enquiry within the human existential diversity.

However, within the larger spiritual enquiry is also a subset of crystallized thought, which, though limited in its scope, is equally important to address, and that also originates with the question `Who am I`, albeit this time, the enquiry is limited to our role as a human being on this planet. `I am the soul` as an answer may be crystal clear to the one who realises it, but it still remains abstract in its overall substance and external communication context. Through this blog, I am trying to define myself and my role as a human being in this particular birth on this planet. It may just help you also to look into your own role in this birth and add a deeper meaning to your existential context.

I have been wondering for a while now who am I and what is my role in this birth? A clear answer to this critical question for establishing a larger life context is very important, as that would provide a roadmap for leading the remainder of my life. In a way, this question has already been answered in our book `The 20 20 20 20 formula For Success -- 25 Life changing Principles for Health, Healing And Happiness` (co-authored with my friend and strategic management consultant Samuel Talary) through the first principle, `Don’t Be The Doer, Be A Medium`. I had a difficult childhood, caught up as I was with my health issues and internal personality complexities. But the single biggest moment in my life of meeting my Guru Dadaji in 1989 and the arrival of Reiki into my life in 1993 changed all that, and all that I went through till about my mid-20s – partly genuine and partly due to my inherent foolish behavioural patterns – now appear like a past distant dream. A shy, reticent and quiet kid has been transformed into a loud motivational speaker, compulsive writer, Reiki Grandmaster, thinker, life educator, and entrepreneur. If you by any chance are amazed at the spread of description about myself, trust me I too am equally amazed, or maybe much more that even you, as when I reflect back on my life, it has amazed me just how I have evolved and grown as a person, and how I continue to discover newer facets about my innate talents, desires, dreams, and meditative and healing capabilities on a fairly regular basis.

It sure sounds wonderful to project yourself on your profile as a multi-talented individual. But the truth is all this is not my conscious working, and definitely not a result of my limited energies.

I Realise, And Hope To Always Stay Realised, That I Am But A Mere Medium Of Human Transformation Through The Mechanism Of Life Education, And My Vehicles Are Meditation, Reiki, Speaking, Writing, Reading, Thinking, Entrepreneurship, Institutional Leadership. The Purpose Of My Life As A Medium Is To Create And Lead A Learning Revolution In The World, Starting With India.

In none of these roles am I the doer. God is the doer, I am just the medium. God has a plan for humanity and I am just one of the crores of channels he has implanted on Earth for execution of his divine plan.

It is not easy for many people to absorb this philosophy of us being a medium and not the doer. It sure also sounds contradictory when this is combined with the importance of taking responsibility for our lives. Many people wonder how when we are just a medium can we be responsible for anything? Somewhere in between this paradox perhaps lies the essence of existence. We are not the doers, but we are ultimately responsible for our lives.

But being a medium actually goes beyond just our life and what we are responsible for. I believe that if we make ourselves capable of taking full and honest responsibility for our life, we get elevated to the status of an organized medium in the cosmic structure. As a medium, a lot of wonderful talents manifest and great ideas flow through us for the larger benefit of humanity and the creative structure as a whole. Many improbable things at the level of the human mind start becoming possible, as we no longer are the doers in our consciousness, rather we are just `cosmic couriers` for the master cosmic plan to be delivered at the doorstep of the human, or, even the creative populace as a whole.  

Being a medium helps you connect better and more deeply with the creator and his creative plan. As a medium, you get exposed to the myriad creative dance, universal energy and cosmic architecture. Your consciousness expands and you truly start realising that there is really only `ONE` and you are just a mere small particle in that, but in that one particle also lies the entire power of the One, just as the waves of the ocean carry a separate identity and personality, but in them are contained the overall power of the ocean. That is why we see that from time to time, certain people emerge as leaders who influence the course of history itself, as, they as powerful mediums are able to manifest a substantial part of the universal energy, and have transcended way beyond their individual and personal energy capacities and capabilities. As a medium you are more free than living with the feeling of a doer. After all, how much do we really know our true nature at any given level of existence – physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual?

Friends, I urge you to be a medium and give yourself a chance for your genius to be expressed in full measure. I invite you to embrace a totally new realm of existence and experience the all encompassing spirit of God’s creative force. Surrender to this omnipresent power of the Almighty, and in the process you too will emerge as powerful and mighty. Being human with all our limitations as an individual provides us all with a fascinating opportunity to express the divinity within each one of us.

So, Don’t Be The Doer, Be A Medium.

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