शुक्रवार, 7 दिसंबर 2012

An Interview With Money

                                                              An Interview With Money

This is an extract from our book `Honey, I Love Money, Success And You!` launched on Nov 28, 2012. In this chapter, the authors Harry and Samee engage in an absorbing conversation with `MONEY`.

                                                   (Ebook Details On Amazon.com)

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(Physical Copy available at Kitab Khana bookstore, Fort, Near Flora   Fountain, Mumbai; Cover Price: Rs 120/-).

ebook link: Honey, I Love Money. Success and You!

By Hariharan Iyer and Samuel Talari

Friends, we have today with us somebody whom everybody dreams of having in huge quantity. But unfortunately, only few people manage to get their hands around this person with any degree of satisfaction. This personality is an enigma, and this person is `MONEY`.

Hariharan Iyer (Harry): Hello MONEY. Welcome to Honey, I Love Money, Success And You!

MONEY: Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be here. You guys are doing a wonderful job.

Samuel Talari (Samee): You seem to be keeping a track of what we are doing!

MONEY: Yeah, I always keep a track of people who are trying to do something meaningful in life. Thank you for sending me the chapter `25 Life Changing Principles For Health, Healing, Harmony And Happiness`. While every principle has a deep meaning, there are two I particularly like: The 20 20 20 20 Formula and Decide What You Want To Be – Comfortable Or Successful? I like their uniqueness.

Harry and Samee: Thanks for the compliment.

Samee: I'm sure interviewing you will only add to the book's enrichment.
(MONEY, slightly embarrassed, simply smiled).

Harry: How does it feel to be the most wanted person in this world?

MONEY (with a light chuckle): It feels good, but it is also a lot of responsibility.

Harry: Why do you say that?

MONEY: Because you don’t want to be misused. The most difficult part is that everybody wants me, but once they have me, they should not lose control over how they use me, because losing me is more painful than acquiring me.

Samee: That’s a very intriguing and interesting thing you say.

MONEY: What I mean is everybody wants me, but not everybody knows how to retain me after they get me, or they land themselves in unpleasant situations for getting me the way they did. Greed and unethical acquisition of wealth are the greatest roadblocks to acquiring sustainable financial abundance. Greedy people, even if they acquire a lot of money, will eventually lose their wealth and peace of mind.

And for many others in this world, I want to be with them, but they don’t know how to attract me. And then I get labeled as bad.

Samee: You are actually the best!

MONEY: Yeah, but people should know how to strike a relationship with me. I always wanted to share with the world how to have lots of me in their lives. I am very happy I can do that through this book.

Harry: Yes, that is our objective too. We thank you for agreeing for the interview.

MONEY: The pleasure is all mine!

Samee: Why are you such an enigma?

MONEY: I am not really an enigma. I pervade people’s consciousness. The terms poor, middle class and rich come from my context in people’s lives. People’s lifestyles are categorised on the basis of their bank balance. Yet….yes, you are right, people don’t understand me.

Harry: What is the reason for that?

MONEY: It has got to do with your culture. Children from a young age are taught the following things about money:
  • I don’t need money…

  • Too much money is bad...

  • Money corrupts...

  • Money is difficult to make...

  • The rich are thieves...

  • Money does not grow on trees...

  • Learn to live within your means...

So emotionally and psychologically, many people feel a sense of struggle whenever they think of me. They don’t like me, but they cannot live without me either. I am not saying having lots of money in life is success, for success means different things to different people. But money is definitely a measurement of success. After all, what use is success if you have to struggle for money?
Samee (appearing contemplative, haltingly restated what MONEY said): Money is not success, but is a measurement of success. Wow! Wonderful!
(…recovering to his normal exuberant tone)
It’s ironic, isn’t it? Many people don’t like you, but they can’t live without you?

MONEY: Yes, funnily, people who are not comfortable with me actually leave their homes everyday, irrespective of whether they like their work or not, to bring me home. I want to be their friend, but they have made me their master.
Samee: What is that people need to do to make you their friend?

MONEY: They need to first of all understand my nature. I am an important part of what is called as Abundance. There are different types of abundance: health abundance, intellectual abundance, emotional abundance, financial abundance, spiritual abundance, etc. People who focus on abundance and not lack will have more than enough of me in their lives. Just as they respect other aspects of abundance, they should respect me too. But unfortunately, just as people sometimes are casual or negligent about other forms of abundance, they are negligent about financial abundance too.

Harry: But aren’t all forms of abundance inter-related?

MONEY: Absolutely. They are inter-related. But your culture has created compartments and people have isolated me in their minds. I find it hypocritical that many people blame government policies for their lack of financial abundance, rather than looking within themselves and changing their attitude towards me.
Abundance is connected to the heart. The more open you are about receiving and giving the good things of life, the more you can have each of them. Financial abundance is also connected to your mental and spiritual outlook to life. The moment people want to have more money, not just for themselves and their family, but also for doing good to people at large, I will be flying into their lives. In that sense, I like it more when people attach a spiritual and emotional quality to me.

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